09 Nov 5 Steps to a Successful Blog
1. Build Content Before Everything
The common mistake made when starting a company or personal blog is that there is not enough content, or it becomes difficult to keep up continuously with the content. We recommend that you create and publish at least five blog posts before your site even launches. This way, if someone visits your site right when it launches, the blog won’t look empty. Images are very important as well. Attach images to each blog post to give the reader an idea of what they are in for. Another common mistake people make is not being able to keep up with the content. Once your blog launches, it is a good idea to have weekly, or monthly content so your viewers know to keep coming back. It can be very hard to carve out time to think of and write a blog post on the same days twice a week, or even nce a week, so we suggest planning content. Take a day or two each month-depending on how often you’re looking to post- and create multiple blog posts, maybe even enough to last you the entire month. Then, schedule these posts. That way, even if you’re not in the office, or busy, a blog post will consistently be published each week.
2. Define Your Target Audience
Most companies will design their blog to target an audience parallel to their current customers, and many personal blogs tend to target an audience similar to themselves. However, it is always smart to define this audience from the very beginning. Your posts should be consistent with the audience you’re targeting and appeal to that age range and status. Demographics to consider when creating posts to target your audience are age, gender, race, income, geographic area and special interests. For company blogs specifically, it is not recommended that you post about personal opinions or political views, because that may vary among your audience.
3. Create a Visually Pleasing Design
In our technology prominent world today, great writing is not enough to attract potential audiences to your blog. Time and time again we see companies who think that their blog design does not matter as long as the posts are well-written and produced often. Unfortunately, that is very wrong. The attention span of people today is so short, that you usually only have about 3-5 seconds to peak your audience’s interest. If a blog is not visually pleasing when a viewer links to it, the likelihood of your bounce rate is going to significantly increase. A poor blog design equates to poor content, even though that might not be the case. Spend time on the design and overall look of the blog before launching it, and make sure that all of the pages and links work correctly! Do not think this is an area you can skim on, and do not put it off until after the blog launches.
4. Update Accordingly
What’s trending is constantly changing, so social media and blogs have to as well. Stay up to date with current topics, trends and templates. The topics and trends can give you ideas for your blog posts, and might even attract a wider range of viewers than you had originally intended. The template and design of your website should update every so often as well! Changing your homepage pictures, colors or layout can often intrigue viewers who might’ve once bounced off the prior homepage or even increase the time your audiences spends on your blog.
5. Promote!
Promotion for your blog is HUGE! A blog that just sits there will not get views. Whether it’s a company blog or a personal blog, make sure to post the link all over social media! Also, whenever a new post is up, notify your audience through social media and attach that specific link. For companies, blog posts and links are a fantastic thing to include in your company newsletter. A newsletter can even be sent out to specifically notify your customers of the new blog. Twitter is a great tool to promote your blog posts, because with hashtags and varying followers, you are able to reach a very wide audience of people. Choosing right hashtag for your post can get you recognition by major accounts. The promotion for your blog has to be continuous. Do not just promote the first week then leave it there thinking people will return. If you scheduled your blog posts, you can even schedule your social media posts to notify followers of a new blog post.
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