15 Nov Top 10 Social Media Tips
1. Target an Audience
The goal of social media is to attract more attention to your business. It is free, easy and effective marketing that everyone has access to in today’s world. Therefore, just like any other marketing tool, it is smart to define a target audience for your social media. The target audience could be the same demographics as your current customers, OR if the goal of your social media is to attract new and younger customers, then your target audience may be different than your current customer. Defining this target audience before creating content is smart, because it keeps your content consistent and directed in a specific direction.
2. Make Profile Pictures Consistent
If you are a new business, or even an established one, it is so important to have consistent profile pictures across all social media platforms. It allows users to recognize your profile across different channels, and also creates brand recognition. It is recommended to use your company logo as a profile picture. Cover photos should be consistent across all channels as well.
3. Use Multiple Platform
Most companies use the basic Facebook business page, but do not explore into the other extremely useful platforms social media has to offer! Every company should absolutely be on Facebook AND LinkedIn with company pages. Next follows Twitter and Google Plus. Regardless of the business, these four platforms are helpful for any product, service or software. Make sure these four platforms are consistent with each other, and look good! Instagram closely follows behind as an important platform to use. Some companies may find it more difficult to consistently post interesting photos, but followers love seeing the product/service companies offer, work completed or even photos of the office and employees! Pinterest and Snapchat are the final platforms that can be great if used correctly, but are limited to certain businesses.
4. Fill Out as Much Info as Possible
Once you create a profile on your social media platforms, you have the option to fill multiple areas with all kinds of different content. Use this to your advantage. On almost every platform there is a “description” section. Make sure this description is the same on every platform! It can be a little longer on LinkedIn or Facebook, and has to be shorter for Instagram and Twitter, but the most important part is that it is consistent. Also, utilize areas where you can inserts the company website, location, hours and testimonials. These things can beef up a social media profile, and make them more appealing.
5. Learn From Others Like You
If you are new to a certain platform, one of the best things to do is to follow others like you! When we first created our Twitter and Instagram accounts, we followed all digital marketers and entrepreneurs we could find. Likewise, if you are a real estate agent, follow other agents and even verified real estate pages. This can be incredibly beneficial, because not only can you see theĀ kind of content they post, but you now are connected to a whole community of people who are interested in your field. If your company is trying to attract more followers, try following the people who follow another company like yours!
6. Link Different Social Media Profiles
Always promote your other social media profiles on the different platforms (i.e. Post your Instagram link on your Twitter, post your Twitter link on your Facebook page). Something as simple as inbound links are an easy way to connect your followers across all platforms. Also, although you should be posting different content to each platform, trying linking certain posts to post across all platforms. For instance, link an Instagram post so it shows up on Twitter and Facebook as well. Doing this can increase your following across all platforms.
7. Interesting ContentĀ
Interesting content is so important on social media! Because there is so much out there, people are not going to waste their time following a boring account, or reading a useless article. This tip relates back to the “target audience” tip. Post content that your readers will want to read, and content that is relevant to the time. However, we recommend straying away from posting about political or religious views on a company profile. Content should be interesting, not have the potential to offend someone.
8. Project a Voice
Social media is so great because it gives companies a voice and a face. Social media makes customers and users feel more connected to a business, and can encourage more people to invest in the product or service. Make your company diverse by showing a humorous side or philanthropic work that customers otherwise may not see. Taco Bell is a great example of smart social media strategy. Their Twitter is funny, consistent with posting, and relevant! People who may never have eaten at Taco Bell in their life, will follow the account because it has a great voice. All of those people to follow the social media accounts then become potential customers.
9. Quality Photos
We live in a world where pixels should not be visible in photos anymore! Our smartphones can even take some of the best and highest quality photos, so there should not be a single photo on your social media that is of low quality! A low quality photo is visually displeasing and may even turn some people away from your account- ESPECIALLY if it is your profile picture or cover photo. Make sure that each and every photo you post is clear quality and good lighting (there are enough filters available that we should never see a mostly dark photo).
Finally, hashtags… one of the most important and beneficial features of social media. Every social media post, no matter on what channel, should include a hashtag. Hashtags can direct a whole new following of people to your content, that would otherwise not see it. Hashtags also can include companies in a popular topic of conversation. Twitter is a great place to see what is trending. For instance, when we notice a popular trend on Twitter, such as National Cupcake Day- a topic that has no relevance to digital marketing- we find a way to relate the topic to us, then post with this hashtag on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. This feature that many companies choose to neglect can be almost a guarantee new followers and more interaction.
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