20 Oct 5 Key Aspects of Video Marketing
Video Marketing is not new to digital marketers, however it is becoming almost essential for any company or brand. Video marketing not only establishes brand association but it can also heavily encourage a customer to purchase a product or service, and it can increase conversion rates on your website by 80%! Video marketing has proved incredibly successful, and is only becoming more popular as customer’s attention span shortens. Video marketing is a fast and simple way to relay your message to your audience. It creates a visual for customers and increases a trust in the product or service. Here are five elements to consider if making your own video, or when watching others.
1. Grab the Audience
With that short attention span that audiences everywhere have today, you want to make sure your video is interesting and effective within the first 15 seconds. 20% of viewers will click away within the first 10 seconds if they are not amused to captured. Short and sweet is a major rule of video marketing. You want to make it long enough that the product/service is explained in its entirety, but short enough that your audience is not looking at something else or clicking away. If included in an email, videos should be under two minutes, however if the video is on the homepage of a website, it can be a little longer. Most videos on websites max out at around 5 minutes. The smartest technique for video marketing is to have a full video that your comapny uses on the website or with informational packets, then create a teaser from that video that can be used on social media and via email marketing.
2. Give them a Story
A common mistake companies make with video marketing is that they do not give the audience a story to follow. A video is not a forum to throw all of the information about your product or service at the audience. In order to keep potential customers interested and engaged, your video needs to follow some sort of story or flow. If it is a product being sold, show how it is beneficial in the real world, and if it is a service, make it applicable to a real life scenario. With your story, keep in mind the time limit you want to keep on the video. Don’t let the story define the video, just allow it to help advertise.
3. Quality is Everything
A video is not interesting to watch if the quality is poor. Video marketing can be an incredibly useful tool if done right- so don’t think you can cheap out. Although a useful video technically could be filmed with an iPhone, you have to make sure all of the angles are shot the same and the camera is always stabilized. A quality camera is the best way to go when creating a video to market. As previously stated, a viewer usually decides whether or not they like the video within the first 10 seconds, so a clear, focused first shot can only help increase your odds. Also, a well shot video can make the product/service appear better and make the audience more willing to purchase.
4. Call to Action
A CTA, or call to action, in a video can be anything from links to a website or social media handles to click on. CTAs in a video engage the viewers and create interactivity. If statistics show that a viewer can easily get bored, then give them something to do! A CTA to your areas of your website is beneficial because it drives more traffic to pages that might need it, or information that you want a customer to know. CTAs for social media is also a great way to increase awareness, followers and likability.
5. Upload and Embed
Once your video is complete, it is crucial to make sure it is uploaded and tagged properly. Your company can have an amazing video, but if it is not uploaded and marketed correct, then there is no point. The first thing to consider when your video is ready to go, is hosting it on the company’s own domain. Once on your domain, it can be shared and posted to other sites, with a greater chance of viewers linking back to your site. Embedding your video is also incredibly important because it can increase inbound marketing links and also drive traffic back to your site. Once your video is uploaded properly it also makes things like posting to Facebook and Twitter easier.
Photo Credit: tashatuvango/shutterstock.com
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